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Update the AWS Gateway API Controller from v1.0.x to v1.1.y

Release v1.1.0 of the AWS Gateway API Controller is built against v1.2 of the Gateway API spec, but the controller is also compatible with the v1.1 Gateway API. It is not compatible the v1.0 Gateway API.

Previous v1.0.x builds of the controller were built against v1.0 of the Gateway API spec. This guide outlines the controller upgrade process from v1.0.x to v1.1.y. Please note that users are required to install Gateway API CRDs themselves as these are no longer bundled as of release v1.1.0. The latest Gateway API CRDs are available here. Please follow this installation process.

Basic Upgrade Process

  1. Back up configuration, in particular GRPCRoute objects
  2. Disable v1.0.x controller (e.g. scale to zero)
  3. Update Gateway API CRDs to v1.1.0, available here
  4. Deploy and launch v1.1.y controller version

With the basic upgrade process, previously created GRPCRoutes on v1alpha2 will automatically update to v1 once they are reconciled by the controller. Alternatively, you can manually update your GRPCRoute versions (for example export to YAML, update version number, and apply updates). Creation of new GRPCRoutes objects using v1alpha2 will be rejected.

Upgrading to Gateway API v1.2

Moving to GatewayAPI v1.2 can require an additional step as v1alpha2 GRPCRoute objects have been removed. If GRPCRoute objects are not already on v1, you will need to follow steps outlined in the v1.2.0 release notes.

  1. Back up configuration, in particular GRPCRoute objects
  2. Disable v1.0.x controller (e.g. scale to zero)
  3. Update Gateway API CRDs to v1.1.0, available here
  4. Deploy and launch v1.1.Y controller version
  5. Take upgrade steps outlined in v1.2.0 Gateway API release notes
  6. Update Gateway API CRDs to v1.2.0